After shutting down, the battery is drained and unknowingly empty

After shutting down, the battery is drained and unknowingly empty
I'm having the same issue, but I have the fan disconnected. I always turn it off completely by holding the button. It can go down to low (1bar left) from 3 bars after 2 weeks of not being used.
@Hiroshi Aoyagi
The fan is not turned off, guessing that you may not have actually turned off.☺️
You need to press and hold the power button for three seconds to shut down, a single press just turns off the screen backlight.
imho this is a bad thing when you shudown the Pi the screen and fan should turn off on their own, user should not have to press the button to turn off the fan and screen seperately.
I always press and hold the power button after executing a shutdown in RasPad OS and seeing the No Cable message (possibly indicating that the RPi board has shut down?) After a 2 second hold you will hear a pop from the onboard speakers as the whole RasPad shuts down.
@Michael Blomquist that was my point, the user should not have to do that, the power board should be intelligent enough to do that its self.
@CerberusStyle Agreed. Lets hope a simple firmware update can make that change.👍
@Michael Blomquist that or make a config app that can be installed in linux and allow for changing the settings of the power/control board by the user.
Yes there is a windows one but that is impossibly complicated to do as you have to remove the board from the raspad3 plug it to a windows pc via usb to usb cable and then hunt the web for the software and then once in the software work out what all the boxes and hex code mean. Even as someone that codes i was confused to all hell by it.
@CerberusStyle @Michael Blomquist
It is temporarily impossible to shut down directly through the Raspberry Pi software.
I'm having the same issue.
I turn off the device completely (hold the power button and nothing run include fan) but about 1 week later, when i turn it on, it run out of battery (1 led blink, and it is remain < 3% right?)
How can I fix this problem?
Thanks a lot!
You need to press and hold the power button for three seconds to shut down, a single press just turns off the screen backlight. After doing this make sure that the red light on side of raspad is off, to confirm you have done this correctly.
@CerberusStyle thanks for reply!
That is exactly what i do, turn off completely.
Are there any other reason fo this problem? Thanks
@Duy Khanh
It is normal, because the microcontroller on the raspad3 mainboard needs power to maintain it, and it may not have been fully charged before.
@RasPad Support i think it has need power to maintain or in sleepmode, too. But i dont think it use much power as that.
beside, i have some trouble with wifi, raspad os...
but it is still good enough device. I hope it will be better in some upgrade in os and in new version. Especially in battery (longer time in use) and some other things.
Tks for all!
I usually have something to do with my Raspad at least once a week. To keep an eye on battery SoC, I will invariably connect up the charging circuit and observe the charge status LED before turning the Raspad on. Almost always the battery is full (3 green LED's). Sometimes I go 2-3 weeks before using Raspad, and usually observe a decreased level of charge. It was all the way down to one blinking LED once after a month. I recently installed and configured Raspad-Launcher, per guidance from RasPad Support, and maybe noticed a slight improvement in maintained battery charge level. I'll keep an eye on it.