Main Menu editing.

  • When I edit the main menu in the Main Menu Editor, the changes are not applied. I tried a reboot but the main menu stays unchanged.

    I wanted to add the Universal Access menu because I installed a virtual keyboard called florence and that is where i would find it.

  • menu - preferences - main menu editor - tick the box next to " universal access " and then click OK.

    That should then work just fine, and yes you may have to restart for it to show up, it is very buggy but that is a Raspberry Pi OS (raspbian) issue and not the fault of raspad, also as a side note if a section is empty it will not show up on the menu, you can see if a section is empty or not by clicking on it in the right side section of menu editor, when you exit menu editor ALWAYS click ok i you click the X or cancel it will reset to default settings.

  • @Ras Paddington 

    Right click anywhere on the panel.
    Click "Add / Remove Panel Items".
    Click "Add".
    Find "Application Launch Bar" in the list.
    Select it and click "Add". It should appear on the very end.
    Click "Up" until it is above "Minimize All Windows" but below the "Spacer" above it.
    Now click "Preferences". It should show 2 columns, the 1st one containing displayed apps and the second containing the remaining ones.
    Select the apps you want to add and hit "Add".
    You should be done now.

    TLDR: Read the numbered list

    If you can’t add an icon using raspad os, you can change it to raspberry pi os.

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