Been a while since we had an update here, but i can confirm that the raspberry Pi 5 does indeed fit in the raspad3 although you have to be careful installing it as the cables are rather tight.
Been a while since we had an update here, but i can confirm that the raspberry Pi 5 does indeed fit in the raspad3 although you have to be careful installing it as the cables are rather tight.
@Mike Parker take a photo of the inside of your raspad3 so i can make sure you have it all connected correctly.
@CerberusStyle I have noticed that when I attempt to use the 64 bit operating system it has trouble detecting one of the USBs. Could this be the problem?
your very welcome, if you need anymore help just post and will endevor to help you out.
I would suggest a fresh install also. Maybe try another micro SD card, although I think if you use the Raspberry Pi Imager app it will detect a bad image. I have also been using the 64 bit OS for a...
@CerberusStyle Thanks for your interest and suggestions. I did visit that site / document and applied the scripts. It did work to some degree, some screen situations " Touch - Right Click"&nb...
@Mike Parker then u have a setup problem as im using the 64bit OS now and its running fine with 2 monitors, i would suggest a fresh install, as you have proved yourself that the hardware works and ...
@Victor Loewen you can try this but right click on touch screen is a known issue with the OS and not something i can help with as there is no 100% working solution.
@CerberusStyle The cables work perfectly. The RasPad works with the 32-bit OS but if I try to use 64-bit, I have the screen problem.
@CerberusStyle Thank you for your reply......I did start over with a new sdcard and did find the volumn to control the AV vs HDMI setting. All good with this new install of Bullseye OS...
@Victor Loewen Audio is handled kind odd with the raspad as it works through the hdmi cable, if you right cick on the speaker icon on the left of the taskbar you will see a list of 3 items (hdmi1, ...
If either the volume setting of the raspad and the volume setting of the Raspberry Pi system is 0, there will be no sound.Is the audio connection confirmed?It is recommended that you re-burn the Ra...
Disregard the Screen rotation issue , I did see it in action after posting......... Sorry for jumping the gun !! But the AUDIO issues is still in question ! Vic
Just finished unboxing and assembling the components with RasPadD3 few hours ago. The system is RaspberryPi4 with 4G Ram. The Bullseye OS version presently installed. All seemed to flow int...
@Mike Parker check cables both monitors should work without any modification.
@Michael Blomquist I was wondering. How were you able to successfully install and run Bullseye 64 on the raspad. I am getting a "no cable" notification and then a black screen after the boot sequen...
@Brian Piper This worked! Thanks for the help!octordle
@Dave Curthoys The raspberry pi does not have any audio input natively to use a mic you will need a usb dac or a usb specific mic.
I have sound on my headset, but I cannot get any microphone to work, on any os I have tried. I have raspi os installed atm.
I think you should tear off the protective glass film, try it word unscrambler
I followed counter and solved it, please try again
@RasPad Support The original RasPad used a 3.7V lithium battery, which is generally 4.2V when fully charged. We are using a 3-cell parallel scheme. However, in parallel, a protection board is ...
Hello there is a solution the following entries in the make file - CFLAGS := $(XFLAGS) $(LIBRARIES) $(INCLUDES)+ CFLAGS := $...
I would like to reopen the discussion concerning a 64-bit build of the RasPad operating system. I have installed the 64-bit RPi Bullseye OS in my RasPad and it works great. Really great. RasPad Sup...
@Michael Blomquist im not no but no reason it cant be made to work that why i said start a new thread if you really want to use the launcher and will work to get it working although personally i do...
There probably isn't a need for another thread as I already have my answer from Support. Just a clarification from you, CerberusStyle. You said you are using the 64-bit RPi OS Bullseye on your RasP...
Yes we are a tad off topic start a new thread for the launcher if you need more support with that.
Speaking to the forum and also CerberusStyle. Those instructions at the link are likely for installation on a 32-bit OS. Sunfounder hasn't updated any installation instructions that I can find. I d...
Trying to get the 64-bit Debian Bullseye with desktop to work on my RasPad 3. It installs and boots just fine. I can't get the RasPad Launcher to work though. Using the instructions from here: htt...
@RasPad Support he shows in first iage that with only short hdmi connected the second display does not work. second picture using long hdmi instead the second screen works, so as he says loo...
@Andi Dinata When the Raspberry Pi touch is connected to two screens, the touch area will expand to two areas, which will be very strange to use, so after we set the external screen, turn of...
@RasPad Support the USB cable function normally. I think the short hdmi cable (HDMI1) is faulty. I attach 2 pictures below:
Thank you for the info. I think I'll stick with the biggest 3.7v battery that can fit in that slot.
@Sabin Serban The original RasPad used a 3.7V lithium battery, which is generally 4.2V when fully charged. We are using a 3-cell parallel scheme. However, in parallel, a protection board is ...
@Andi Dinata First, please check whether the internal usb cable connection is stable.Because the touch function will become weird after the external screen is connected, the touch function is dire...
as i said it work just fine with 64bit on the raspad3. the spam is gone as i have been clearing it one by one, until they can sort the spam filters.
Hello everyone, I have a Kickstarter edition Raspad 1, with a RPi3b inside and I'm looking to replace the battery since its charge doesn't last for more than one hour. I've opened it up, but the ...
It was mentioned in this thread I'll be doing some utilities soon, reformatting and chec...
@Michael Blomquist err what?!? The raspad3 can 100% run the new raspberry Pi OS 64Bit (bullseye) im sat typing on it now.
Running the 32-bit OS. I already asked about the recent 64-bit OS released from beta and RasPad Support says the RasPad can't run it. Hopefully there will be a version soon that will. Oh, and I use...
@Andi Dinata yep sounds like a faulty cables hopefully the support team can sort you out with replacements when they see your message :)
Correct it is by design. The problem: the touch screen does work even without external display. To make the touch screen work, i used to twist the hdmi 0 cable when Pi is running till I see ...
@Michael Blomquist this is an OS level issue, no raspad hardware is connected to bluetooth and RPI team have been pushing alot of updates to the software drivers to run bluetooth recently. Also wh...
The touch screen will only work when no external screen is connected that is by design of the raspad team and can only be changed by modifing the mainboard of the raspad, and the team sadly have no...
@Thomas Van Den Bossche RasPad3 is specially designed for Raspberry Pi 4. Will there be a problem of USB device busy when plugged directly into the Raspberry Pi? If there is any, please prov...
Hello, RASPAD3 indeed a great product that boost the portability of Pi4. I've been using Pi4 in RASPAD3 for daily driver, and it works great for teaching since i started to receive from KS campaig...
I keep getting the "USB device bussy" error when trying to use a USB device on the Raspad 3. RTL-SDR dongle and Raspberry Pi Pico. I found some solutions with blacklisting but this is not working.
This is the power supply for my kickstarter edition original raspad. It's not 15v, but 5.5v.
@Brian Piper I ran into the same problem. The code worked fine with the last version of Raspberry OS, but when I upgraded to "Bullseye" I get the same error as @M L. I posted the issue at PeterCyx'...
@Michael Blomquist This problem has nothing to do with raspad. The main function of raspad is the display function, and the bluetooth comes with the Raspberry Pi. You can try to delete the sav...