You may or may not be aware of the above word PSORIASIS, but in case you have had or having symptoms of Itchy skin, flakes formation, dryness, redness and rashness or cuts in particular locations of your body, be it scalp, elbows & knees, palms and soles, skin folds like chest, armpits or thigh area and just in case you are applying certain creams or ointments but these symptoms relax for short span and reoccur again then you probably could be a PSORIATIC – which currently is the most deadly skin ailment across the globe. The word deadly is ideally referred to with the disease as in most cases it refuses to be cured by any topical and steroid based medications and moreover with time moves a patient to psychologically unmotivated and depressed stage of helplessness. Being an autoimmune disorder besides skin it also has its impact on blood and bones relating to veins and arthritic issues with prolonged ailment.