Does anyone else have troubles connecting to a Bluetooth keyboard? I have already paired the keyboard with the RasPad, but I have to turn the keyboard off and on three times to get it to connect. I've fiddled with the connection and pairing numerous times and I still have to go through the power off-on sequence. I have to do the same thing when booting my RasPad to regular Raspbian OS (no RasPad Launcher) so that tells me it might be hardware. Suggestions?
Also, when it is connected and left unattended for a time it becomes unresponsive and takes a little while to wake back up again. I don't know how long that time is, and I'm not really sure what it is that brings it back. I don't think it is the keyboard timing out, but I'm not certain of that either. It has always done this since day one, and this little Raspberry Pi annoyance is becoming a bit of a bother.
@Michael Blomquist This problem has nothing to do with raspad. The main function of raspad is the display function, and the bluetooth comes with the Raspberry Pi. You can try to delete the saved bluetooth device directly, it may be faster to re-pair.
@Michael Blomquist this is an OS level issue, no raspad hardware is connected to bluetooth and RPI team have been pushing alot of updates to the software drivers to run bluetooth recently.
Also when u say Rasbian OS, do you mean RaspberryPi 32bit (Bullseye) or RaspberryPi Beta 64bit (Bullseye) ?
As with all software issues i recommend you update your OS to the latest version, using APT update with the following command.
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
The first part of the command updates the repos, the second starts the update of your system and the third removes any up needed files.
Running the 32-bit OS. I already asked about the recent 64-bit OS released from beta and RasPad Support says the RasPad can't run it. Hopefully there will be a version soon that will. Oh, and I use sudo apt full-upgrade weekly to keep things current. Thanks.
@Michael Blomquist err what?!? The raspad3 can 100% run the new raspberry Pi OS 64Bit (bullseye) im sat typing on it now.
It was mentioned in this thread
I'll be doing some utilities soon, reformatting and checking micro-SD cards and installing fresh OS on an RPi 3 B+ running PiHole and my RasPad with RPi 4 Model B. I guess I'll give the 64 bit a try.
Also, nice to see all that spam on the site is gone and suitable captcha filtering in place.

as i said it work just fine with 64bit on the raspad3.
the spam is gone as i have been clearing it one by one, until they can sort the spam filters.
Trying to get the 64-bit Debian Bullseye with desktop to work on my RasPad 3. It installs and boots just fine. I can't get the RasPad Launcher to work though. Using the instructions from here:
and used the setup script instead of manual. When I change the Application Launch Bar from the current default to the RasPad Launcher it freezes. Suspect there are other more useful (and functional) instructions somewhere else?
Speaking to the forum and also CerberusStyle. Those instructions at the link are likely for installation on a 32-bit OS. Sunfounder hasn't updated any installation instructions that I can find. I don't know enough about RPi yet, compared to my extensive Windows knowledge. Also, this thread was originally about Bluetooth. Maybe it can be moved. I can happily report that the Bluetooth connection works much better in the 64-bit OS. It sleeps after a bit, but wakes right up. I also see the spam is back.
Yes we are a tad off topic start a new thread for the launcher if you need more support with that.
There probably isn't a need for another thread as I already have my answer from Support. Just a clarification from you, CerberusStyle. You said you are using the 64-bit RPi OS Bullseye on your RasPad. Does this mean that you are not using RasPad Launcher?
@Michael Blomquist im not no but no reason it cant be made to work that why i said start a new thread if you really want to use the launcher and will work to get it working although personally i dont like it and most of its functions can be done in other ways.