I am using a Raspad3 with Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 64-bit and just freshly updated. When playing any video or radio stream from Chromium, there is no sound. I have made sure the OS volume is up, th...
I am using a Raspad3 with Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 64-bit and just freshly updated. When playing any video or radio stream from Chromium, there is no sound. I have made sure the OS volume is up, th...
15V2A will do
I did enable the i2c in Preferences > Raspi Config and that helped tremendously and it's working well now.
@M L Our opinion is the same as @CerberusStyle .You can leave a message under PeterCxy's github.
You would need to contact PeterCxy about his script as its impossible to support third party scripts, and its not a hardware issue but a problem with that script.
@RasPad Support Thank you for the quick response! I will try that tonight and let you know if that was it. If that is the problem, it would be helpful for me (and likely for others) if the package...
Hi Team i installed the newest Raspios (RasPad3) sudo apt install build-essential libevdev2 libevdev-dev -ygit clone 'https://github.com/PeterCxy/evdev-right-click-emulation.git'cd 'evdev-r...
@Travis Southard This is the command to detect i2c devices sudo i2cdetect -y 1
@Travis Southard It may be that i2c is not turned on or the device is not detected. sudo raspi-config Then choose 3 Interfacing Options → P5 I2C → <YES> →OK to enable ...
Hi team! I am setting up my Raspad with Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (64-bit) and trying to set up the auto-rotator. I did have this working well on the same device with Raspberry Pi OS buster (32-bit...
Volumio runs great. Just cant get audio out!
@elijah keller no, this one. Do a full fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS and start from scratch, once installed follow https://docs.raspad.com/en/latest/install_rotating_screen_service.html...
you mean the commands at the top udo mkdir .raspad-auto-rotator ?
@elijah keller read up one message and follow that, joys of linux sometimes you just have to start again.
@elijah keller do a full fresh install of Raspberry Pi os and start from scratch, once installed follow https://docs.raspad.com/en/latest/install_rotating_screen_service.html again. the syst...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone https://github.com/raspad-tablet/raspad-auto-rotatorfatal: destination path 'raspad-auto-rotator' already exists and is not an empty directory.pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd ras...
ok, thanks so much will try it!
@elijah keller scratch that try this they posted for another user. https://docs.raspad.com/en/latest/install_rotating_screen_service.html
ok thanks so much, i will try it!
@elijah keller try this, the raspad staff really need to look at their script, so poorly designed. sudo mkdir .raspad-auto-rotator and then go to that new lcoation with cd .raspad-au...
@Michael H For the purchase of accessories, please contact support@raspad.com
Thanks, those docs helped perfectly!
Saw the circuit board was labelled as "raspad-fp-3.1". How can I buy another one?
Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us. I appreciate the time you spent gathering all this information and pen downing it.
@Eric Mesa Please refer to the latest tutorial: https://docs.raspad.com/en/latest/install_rotating_screen_service.html
I did also run: sudo pip3 install sh3001 but even after a reboot both sudo auto-rotator install and sudo auto-rotator calibrate fail
Using RaspadOS. Upgraded from Debian 10 to Debian 11 and no lnoger have the ability to rotate the screen. The shim is detected: sudo i2cdetect -y 1 0 1 2 &nbs...
i am sorry to bug you again but i am still getting an error i@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /home/root/.raspad-auto-rotator/bash: cd: /home/root/.raspad-auto-rotator/: No such file or directorypi@raspberrypi...
the location was in the error message " /home/root/.raspad-auto-rotator/ " so enter these commands cd /home/root/.raspad-auto-rotator/ if it says that the location doesnt exist then type this ...
@CerberusStyle hi, so I'm still getting an error...
@Chip Spencer No, I don't. No need for it. But you could. I think it probably will throttle after 10mins of full load.
This is the much-needed topic in this forum, Thanks for sharing it with us.
so went to files and clicked on auto rotator and then created a new file called config, is tat what you needed? get back to you tomorrow
I am so sorry I am a beginner at this stuff
@elijah keller not your fault raspad have changed there script and not done it very well, what you need to do is go to that location and create a blank file called " config " and then run the comma...
I am so sorry for all the trouble
sudo raspad-auto-rotator installTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/sh3001-0.0.1-py3.7.egg/sh3001/filedb.py", line 33, in get conf = o...
@elijah keller oh dear god they have changed that filename too try this command now. sudo raspad-auto-rotator install
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd..bash: cd..: command not foundpi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /usr/local/binpi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/bin $ dirraspad-auto-rotator rotate-helperpi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/bin $
@elijah keller ok thats very odd, cd.. cd /usr/local/bin dir do you see " auto-rotator " in that directory?
here is what i get pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo auto-rotator installsudo: auto-rotator: command not foundpi@raspberrypi:~ $
ok try sudo auto-rotator install
i am sorry to be so much trouble!
when i type the command to calibrate i get this pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo auto-rotator calibratesudo: auto-rotator: command not found